Am I Eligible?

Not if you’re a pro, not a KS or MO resident, or have ever set a national record or above. This fed is for amateurs only! You must also be a Missouri resident for at least one year.

What can i wear?

Shorts, leggings, t-shirts and ball caps are all permitted. NO profanity or transparent clothing. No sweatshirts/hoodies.

What are the prizes?

CASH, baby!

We will be giving CA$H for the overall winner and prizes for male and female runners up.

What gear is allowed?

By event: Squat - Belt, Knee sleeves, Wraps Bench - Belt, Wrist wraps, Elbow sleeves Deadlift - Belt, Sleeves, Straps (No figure 8’s) No Briefs!

I get a what???

A mulligan or one extra attempt for just one lift at the meet. Mulligans will be performed at the end of the flight.

When do I weigh in?

Two hours before the meet starts.